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Housing services - CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre

For people with a loss of autonomy, a chronic disease, or a serious cognitive problem, it sometimes becomes impossible to live at home.

When this happens, they can apply for a public housing spot adapted to their needs and living situation. Public housing is available at the long-term care centres (CHSLDs) of the CISSS, and at partner facilities with which the CISSS has signed an agreement (PPP, purchase of spots, IR-FTR).


Application for housing

To apply for public housing:

  • The user, a parent or a loved one must contact a social worker at one of our CLSCs.
  • The social worker will assess the person’s needs, take the necessary steps, and support the person and their family throughout the housing application process. The social worker will help you find the right resource.


Types of housing

Different types of housing are possible, depending on the services and intensity required:


Long-term care centre (CHSLD)

CHSLDs are a substitute living environment for people with a loss of functional or psychosocial autonomy. They take in people who can no longer live in their current living environment, despite support services, because of a loss of autonomy or significant disabilities. They also provide residents with assistance and professional healthcare services to meet their physical, psychosocial and spiritual needs.


Senior and alternative housing

Living like at home

Seniors' and alternative homes are real living environments. They :


Family-type resources

Family-type resources provide housing that meets residents’ physical, psychological and social needs. These resources provide living conditions that are as close as possible to those of a home environment. They take in a maximum of nine people.

People who want to be admitted to a family-type resource must meet the behavioural and medical eligibility criteria.

Services provided:

  • Help and assistance with activities of daily living;
  • Room and board;
  • Emotional support.


Intermediate resources

Permanent public housing services are also offered in partnership with intermediate resources. These resources, which are privately operated, can accommodate:

  • People with a loss of autonomy due to aging;
  • People with a cognitive disability;
  • People under age 65 with a physical disability.

Services provided:

  • 24/7 assistance by patient attendants;
  • Food services;
  • Housekeeping and laundry (clothes and bedding);
  • Recreational activities.

Services provided by the CLSC:

  • Health services

Housing is not free. The financial contribution is determined by the RAMQ. For more information, visit the RAMQ website.