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Post-hospital home care services

CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest


At the CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest, a range of services are available at home to help you with your recovery. Talk to your doctor before leaving the hospital.

You can also visit: 

How can I access this service? 

Call the home care intake desk at your local CLSC. 

7 facilities on the territory of the CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest provide post‑hospital home care services. 

Home care

Things like getting dressed, cooking meals and getting washed aren’t always easy after you’ve had surgery or hospital treatments. Does this sound familiar?

To qualify for home care services, you first need to be assessed by a professional from our CLSC. The services may be provided by a heath and social services assistant, or you could be given an allowance to pay for the necessary services yourself.

If you need help with household chores, we can refer you to an organization that offers this type of service.

  • Personal assistance includes help with personal hygiene, eating, and getting dressed and undressed (morning and evening).
  • Help with household chores includes cooking, laundry, grocery shopping, and other tasks.

Home care and services 

Nursing care

Depending on your needs, nursing care is available at home following a hospital stay:

  • dressings;
  • injectable treatments;
  • continence care (bladder or bowel);
  • health monitoring;
  • follow-up of insulin therapy, ostomy, and tracheotomy teaching;
  • follow-up during the terminal phase;
  • 24/7 on-call service;
  • other.

As soon as you can leave your house, you will be referred to the nursing clinic at your local CLSC.


This service will help you stay active and resume the activities that let you stay in touch with your community.

Occupational therapy

An occupational therapist can meet with you to:

  • assess your level of autonomy, your living environment, and your ability to take care of yourself with or without help from your loved ones;
  • eliminate any obstacles to your activities of daily living (by adapting your home) and determine your need for services and support;
  • enhance your safety and functional autonomy at home and recommend appropriate technical aids.


After your hospital stay, a physiotherapist can meet with you to:

  • assess you and start helping you regain your mobility;
  • provide you with an exercise program;
  • assess your ability to walk and recommend equipment;
  • relieve your pain;
  • prevent the risk of falls.

Respiratory therapy

If you qualify for this service, a respiratory therapist will visit you at home to:

  • assess and maintain your lung capacity;
  • perform respiratory function tests;
  • teach you various breathing techniques;
  • help you obtain the equipment needed for your condition.

Equipment loans

Are you back home and realizing you need certain equipment to help with your recovery?
With a referral from a healthcare professional, you can obtain a hospital bed, walker, transfer bench or other equipment on short-term or long-term loan.

Social services

During your recovery, if necessary, you can meet with psychosocial workers who will help guide you through your recovery process, adapt your home to your condition, and put you in touch with the appropriate community resources.