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Post-acute care and services beds

CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest
At the CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest, these services are available with a prescription from a doctor or a healthcare professional. 

Functional rehabilitation transition unit (FRTU)

The FRTU provides care and services adapted to the needs of vulnerable seniors or geriatric patients who have received acute care in a hospital setting. In these people, an immediate return home is not possible or unsafe because of their functional impairments.

Objectives of the FRTU

The main objectives of the FRTU: 

  • Help a user recover following a care episode in hospital
  • Stimulate functional autonomy
  • Promote a safe return home

Who is the FRTU for? 

Users who no longer need acute care in hospital, but who require a certain level of rehabilitation in order to regain their functional autonomy. 

In these people, an immediate return home is not possible or unsafe because of their functional impairments.

The FRTU team

The FRTU is staffed 24/7 by a care team and a multidisciplinary team that provides assessment, treatment, rehabilitation and referral services as needed.

Intensive functional rehabilitation unit (IFRU) – physical health services

Objectives of the IFRU

The IFRU helps clients to recover their functional autonomy and develop potential skills in order to ease the transition to home.

Who is the IFRU for? 

The IFRU works with people who, as a result of an accident or an illness, have significant and persistent limitations caused by a physical disability. These limitations prevent them from performing common tasks and from fulfilling social roles and responsibilities.

Clients of the IFRU must be medically stable and have a recognized potential for improvement and recovery. They require intensive rehabilitation at a rate of three to five sessions per week.

The team

The IFRU is staffed 24/7 by a care team and a multidisciplinary team that provides the following services as needed:

  • assessment;
  • treatment;
  • rehabilitation;
  • referral. 

Temporary housing services

Objectives of temporary housing services 

The objectives of this program are to:

  • keep people with a loss of autonomy at home for as long as possible;
  • provide respite or sitting services for families and loved ones taking care of them at home.

When a facility (long-term care centre (CHSLD), non-institutional resource (NIR), or private seniors’ residence (PSR)) takes a user in temporarily, in addition to offering them a substitute living environment, they also agree to provide them with some of the services offered at the facility (e.g., nursing care and assistance, support, monitoring, meals, etc.).

Respite care 

Respite care is generally preplanned and scheduled. It provides periods of relief to caregivers in order to prevent physical and mental burnout.

Temporary respite services

Temporary respite services are available when an unforeseen event happens to the person with a loss of autonomy, or to a caregiver, that would affect or threaten the person’s physical or mental health, safety, and well-being if they were to stay at home.

The use of temporary respite services in the event of an emergency or a breakdown in social support aims to quickly compensate for caregivers’ temporary unavailability, to give the dependent person’s environment time to stabilize. They can safely return home once the situation has been resolved or an alternative solution has been found.

Temporary respite services are generally unplanned and unscheduled. Access to services and admission to institutions offering temporary respite services in the event of an emergency or a breakdown in social support is guaranteed seven days a week.

Short-term recovery services

These services consist in support and assistance provided at temporary living environments (CHSLD, NIR, PSR) that allow an adult user to regain their autonomy following a hospital stay or a deterioration in their condition at home.

The short-term recovery beds can also avoid trips to Emergency and cut down on the length of hospital stays.

Users in these beds receive services from community resources or home care workers, depending on the needs assessment and the agreements in place.

Who are temporary housing services for? 

Temporary housing is mainly—but not exclusively—for seniors experiencing a loss of autonomy and their support network.