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Information for the resources for seniors IR-FTR and PSR: Visit of the significant caregivers

CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest

Useful documentation for private IR-FTRs and PSRs

Last page update: July 7 2020

Since May 11, 2020, significant caregivers have been authorized to provide support to residents in IR-FTRs and PSRs. However, this new measure is subject to specific conditions being met, which will ensure an acceptable balance between the associated risks and benefits. The Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux has confirmed that facilities wishing to be exempted from this new measure must obtain its authorization.

This page contains a wealth of information, tools and forms to help you with the easing of restrictions on the presence of significant caregivers in your residences.

  • Guidelines for operators of IRs, FTRs and PSRs - You will find answers to the following questions :
    • Who is considered a significant caregiver?
    • How to prepare for the first significant caregiver visits
    • What to do during the significant caregiver’s first visit
    • What to do during subsequent visits
  • Guidelines for doormen - You will find the following information :
    • Responsabilities of the doormen at the arrival and departure of the significant caregiver
  • Guidelines for significant caregivers - You will find the following information :
    • Criteria to be considered a significant caregiver
    • What you need to do before your first visit
    • What to do on your first visit
    • Information regarding your movements inside and outside the residence

Forms and logs

Specific page for caregivers 

A specific page has been created for caregivers who will visit your residence. Feel free to give them the link, which contains important information about their first visit, for example:

  • How to put on a mask;
  • Proper hand washing techniques;
  • How to put on and take off personal protective equipment;
  • Definition of a significant caregiver;
  • And much more!