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How to access housing services

CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest

Housing services at the CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest

Housing services are for people who can no longer live at home, despite support from their family and home care services. For the most part, these people are experiencing a functional or permanent loss of autonomy, major physical disabilities, a chronic disease, a progressive disease, cognitive difficulties, or mental health problems.

All applications must be sent to the Service des mécanismes d’accès à l’hébergement. 

To apply for public housing services, you must:

  • have a significant loss of autonomy, which risks compromising your safety if you stay at home;
  • have exhausted all resources available to keep you at home for as long as possible (family, friends, community organizations, private resources, CLSC, etc.).

When you apply for housing services, it is because your situation is urgent, and you are willing to accept any opening that is offered to you. You cannot apply for public housing services in advance, as a preventive measure.

1. Contact a social worker or a doctor

  • The user, a parent or a family member must first contact the home care intake desk at their local CLSC. If the person is already hospitalized, the hospital social worker will submit the application.
  • Click here to find your local CLSC.

2. Needs assessment by a social worker

  • A social worker will assess the needs of the person with a loss of autonomy, take the necessary steps, and guide the person and their family through the housing application process.

Following an assessment by one of our workers, a user who requires care and services could be referred to one of the following resources: