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Streptococcal A (screening)

General information

Pharyngitis and tonsillitis are infections sometimes caused by bacteria, in particular streptococcus A. Symptoms include fever, pain on swallowing, tender glands and sudden onset of severe sore throat.

People aged 3 and over can be screened free of charge at local points of service in the Montérégie region if they meet the criteria when assessed by a nurse.. By appointment only via Clic Santé. If you are unable to do so online, or if you are experiencing difficulties, please ask a friend or family member, or call 1 877-817-5279.

Following your visit, if the screening proves positive, you will be given a liaison form by the healthcare professional to obtain the appropriate medication from your local pharmacist.  

For more information, see Streptococcus A pharyngitis or tonsillitis.


2 installation(s) offer this service

Your postal code or address
Local point of service (vaccination and other services) CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre
1575 avenue Panama, Brossard, QC J4W 2S8
How to get this serviceMake an appointment via clicsanté
Local point of service (vaccination and other services) CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre
315 rue MacDonald (Local 120), Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC J3B 8J3
How to get this serviceRendez-vous via le site clicsanté